Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pauline Viardot Lifetime Artifacts #1-4

Artifact #1)

     This picture above is an amazing lithograph of myself created by Bernard-Romain Julien.  A lithograph is a type of print on stone or aluminum.  I was about thirty years old when this lithograph was produced.  I had hundreds of paintings and pictures taken of me at the height of my career, but this was one of my favorites.  I think it is very beautiful.

Artifact #2)

     This is a fairly recent poster for the opera “Orfeo ed Euridice" by Christoph Willibald von Gluck.  I sang the title role of this opera at the Theatre Lyrique in Paris from 1859 to 1860.  This was my longest running show in my operatic career.  I sang this role over one hundred and fifty times!  This show was directed by the famous Hector Berlioz, who I think was the greatest director of my time.

Artifact #3)

     I don't want to brag, but this is my self portrait drawn in 1905.  I drew this when I was 84 years old.  This drawing helped to remind myself of the years that I performed; my golden years.  Ahh!  They were wonderful!  I stayed at my home for the last seven years of my lifetime, which helped me get occupied with projects like this portrait.  I was taught basic art skills as painting and sketching in my lifetime which is shown by the magnificence in the portrait.

Artifact #4)

     Ahh!  La Tour Eiffel!  The most beautiful building in the entire world!  This tower isn't just a tower built for the 1889 World’s Fair; it is the tower of France.  France was the country I was born in, the country I lived for and the country that I love with a dying passion!  La Tour Eiffel is the symbol of a loving, amazing France.

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